The Harley Wood School of Astronomy HWSA2017 will be held at the ANU Kioloa Coastal Campus, from 6-8 July 2017. Details of the Harley Wood School are available from the ASA2017 web pages
The Harley Wood School of Astronomy HWSA2017 will be held at the ANU Kioloa Coastal Campus, from 6-8 July 2017. Details of the Harley Wood School are available from the ASA2017 web pages
ASA2017 will be hosted by the ANU from 9-14 July 2017. See the ASA2017 web pages for details.
ASA Membership in 2017 – RENEW NOW!
The ASA Membership system has changed.
Current Members should have received an email welcoming you to the system and asking you to set a password. You should then proceed to edit your details if necessary and make an online payment.