Australian Astronomy Presentations & Seminars

During this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, many ASA members are joining others in the community in working from home and practicing social distancing. In this environment, many institutions are moving their presentations and seminars online. The ASA is providing this page to facilitate access to these opportunities.

As a service to the astronomical community and the public, the ASA offers a list of online Astronomy Presentations and Seminars — both those intended for professional astronomers and those aimed at a wider audience.


Add a Presentation or Seminar

Is your institution hosting a live streamed or recorded astronomy presentation or seminar that would be of interest to astronomers in Australia or overseas, or the general public? If so, please add information describing the event to our Google docs form.

If you know of any suitable presentations or seminars by other organisations or individuals, please ask them to complete the form, or contact Michael Brown, the ASA’s Media & Outreach Coordinator or one of the ASA Secretaries..